How to install vos3000 on centos

How to install vos3000 on centos

Vos3000 can be install on 32 bit or 64 bit Centos Linux.
Before Installation we will check the following.

1- Check Linux version and Kernel version

#cat /etc/redhat-release
#uname -m

If Linux kernel version is above 2.6x      VOs3000   will not install.

2-  SELINUX     should be disabled              #selinux status

if its is not disabled disable it

#nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux


3- Check Mysql             # rpm -qa | grep MySQL     or    rpm -qa | grep mysql

If mysql is installed the remove it  and remove the related files

#mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_backup
#rm -rf /etc/my.cnf

4-  Check perl-DBI       # rpm -qa | grep perl-DBI

If perl-DBI is installed remove it

5-   Flush the iptables and disable it .

#service iptables save |service iptables stop |chkconfig iptables off
#service ip6tables save |service ip6tables stop |chkconfig ip6tables off

6- make a directory and copy the installation files .

#mkdir  /source

Begin the Vos3000  installation 

1- Install the required java

#rpm -ivh jdk-6u19-linux-i586.rpm

2- Copy the Apache Tomcat to the /usr  and untar the file

# cp apache-tomcat-5.5.15.tar.gz  /usr/

#cd /usr

#tar -xvf apache-tomcat-5.5.15.tar.gz

3- Install perl-DBI for install mysql

# rpm -ivh perl-DBI-1.40-5.i386.rpm

4- Install MySQL Server

# rpm -ivh MySQL-server-community-5.0.51a-0.rhel4.i386.rpm

5- Install MySQL Client

# rpm -ivh MySQL-client-community-5.0.51a-0.rhel4.i386.rpm

6- Restart the SQL server  service

# service mysql restart

7- Install emp

# rpm -ivh emp-2.1.2-4.noarch.rpm

8- Install the MBX  service

# rpm -ivh mbx3000-2.1.2-4.i586.rpm

9- Install vos3000 service

# rpm -ivh vos3000-2.1.2-4.i586.rpm

10- Install IVR

# rpm -ivh ivr-2.1.2-4.i586.rpm

11- Make license directory

# mkdir /usr/kunshi/license

12- Generate the information for Licence

IP Address
MAC Address
RPM Time
JDK Time

13 –  Get the license.dat file  upload to server  /usr/kunshi/license/

14 – give the execute permission

# chmod 755 /usr/kunshi/license/license.dat

15-   Restart the all services

#   service mysql restart
# /etc/init.d/vos3000dall restart
# /etc/init.d/mbx3000d restart
# /etc/init.d/ivrd restart

Download the vos3000 client  and install on your computer

Default username and password is admin / admin

Note :- you will not be able to login vos3000 client if your licence is not properly installed  even all the services are up and running .

In VOS3000  or  VOS3000 you can login in vos3000 client even you have  not installed the license but in VOS3000 you can not login without proper license installation.

hope this will be informative for vos3000 installation .

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