How to increase maximum upload file size in All-in-One WP Migration

How to increase maximum upload file size in All-in-One WP Migration

While migrating wordpress site to another hosting server you would be facing maximum upload file size limit . which let you stuck in wordpress migration .

to increase the maximum upload size you have to edit the  .htaccess file  under the root folder of your wordpress installation folder .

by default .htaccess file will be hidden to unhide you have to click on setting icon in file manager  right up corner in the Cpanel File manager.

and click on check box  of Show hidden files  as below












now edit the .htaccess file

insert the following line end of the file .

php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
php_value post_max_size 128M
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

Note following rule will be apply 

upload_max_filesize – set this to a value > than your backup
post_max_size – set this to a value > than your backup
memory_limit – set this to a value > than your backup
max_execution_time – set this to 0 (infinite)








Now save and close

refresh the page  you should get as below.






use the values as per your requirement.

orignal post link 

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