How to Configure GOIP GSM Gateway on Vicidial Hosting on Cloud
If you are planning to use GOIP GSM gateway for outbound and inbound campaign and your Vicidial is hosted on the cloud.
you have to take following steps to use GOIP GSM gateway on the cloud.
1- Go to Admin > Carriers > Add A New Carrier
Carrier ID: any name you want
Carrier Name: use same name as you are going to use trunk name
Carrier Description: give some description
Account Entry:
[goip-01] disallow=all allow=ulaw type=friend username=goip-01 secret=goip-01 host=dynamic dtmfmode=rfc2833 context=trunkinbound nat=force_rport,comedia Protocal: SIP Globals String : TESTSIPTRUNK = SIP/goip-01
Above section will create trunk and you can use above information to register the GOIP GSM gateway.
Authentication ID will be the same as trunk name and password what you have configure in the trunk configuration.
Now it will show in asterisk console under sip show peers
Now you need to configure dial plan on below section
Under the Dial plan entry you have to play according to your requirement.
exten => _9.,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _9.,2,Dial(${TESTSIPTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1},,To) exten => _9.,3,Hangup
Note :- EXTEN:1 Means it will strip one digit beginning from the dialed number . Here you have to put how many digit you want to strip from the dialed number before sending to trunk to dial.