How to Change Issabel PBX web interface ports for Enhanced Security

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How to Change Issabel PBX web interface for Enhanced Security

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security of your Issabel PBX is crucial. One effective way to enhance security is by changing the default HTTP and HTTPS ports. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, making your Issabel PBX less susceptible to potential threats.

Step 1: Changing the HTTP Default Port

a. Navigate to the HTTP configuration file:

Open the file located at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf using your preferred text editor.

b. Modify the default HTTP port:

Locate the line that reads “Listen 80” and change the port number to any desired port other than 80.

For Example I have changed 8089







Now we will  update Issabel configuration:

Open the Issabel configuration file at /etc/httpd/conf.d/issabel.conf.    Comment out the specified lines by adding “#” at the beginning:

issabel dir
issabel dir






Step 2: Changing the HTTPS Default Port

a. Navigate to the SSL configuration file:

Open the file located at /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf using your preferred text editor.

b. Modify the default HTTPS port:

Locate the line that reads “Listen 443” and change the port number to any desired port other than 443.







c. Update VirtualHost configuration:

Still in the ssl.conf file, locate the line that starts with “VirtualHost default:443” and change the port number to match the one selected in step b.







Now reboot the server

and access the server by URL    https://ipaddress:4433

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