How to get RDM information in VMware ESXi Hosts

How to get RDM information in VMware ESXi Hosts

Below are the script i have tested to get all RDM information from Virtual machines in Esxi Hosts.

It will check all VMs in your ESXi host or VCenter  where you are connecting.

which give you below information in format

Below are the Power shell Script .

$vcenter = "your vcenter IP Address"
$outputFile = "c:\PCLITEST\All-VM-RDMs-" + (get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm) + ".csv"

"Connecting vCenter servers ..."
Connect-VIServer $vcenter -AllLinked

$report = @()
$luns = @{}

"Getting VM(s). Be patient, this can take up to an hour ..."

$vms = Get-VM | Get-View
("Got " + $vms.Count + " VMs ...")

foreach($vm in $vms) {
     ("Processing VM " + $vm.Name + " ...")
     $ctl = $null
     $esx = $null
     write-host -NoNewLine "   Scanning VM's devices for RDMs ..."
     foreach($dev in $vm.Config.Hardware.Device){
          if(($dev.gettype()).Name -eq "VirtualDisk"){
               if(($dev.Backing.CompatibilityMode -eq "physicalMode") -or ($dev.Backing.CompatibilityMode -eq "virtualMode")){
                    if ($ctl -eq $null) {
                       " Found at least one ..."
                       "   Getting VM's SCSI controllers ..."
                       $ctl = Get-ScsiController -VM ($vm).Name
                    if ($esx -eq $null) {
                        write-host -NoNewLine "   Getting VM's host ..."
                        $esx = (Get-View $vm.Runtime.Host).Name
                        write-host (": " + $esx)
                    if ($luns[$esx] -eq $null) {
                        ("   Getting SCSI LUNs of host " + $esx + " ...")
                        $luns[$esx] = Get-ScsiLun -VmHost $esx -luntype disk
                    $row = "" | select VMName, GuestDevName, GuestDevID, VMHost, HDFileName, HDMode, HDsize, RuntimeName, CanonicalName
                    $row.VMName = $vm.Name
                    $row.GuestDevName = $dev.DeviceInfo.Label
                    $SCSIBus = ($ctl | where {$_.ExtensionData.Key -eq $dev.ControllerKey}).ExtensionData.BusNumber
                    $SCSIID = $dev.UnitNumber
                    $row.GuestDevID = "scsi" + $SCSIBus + ":" + $SCSIID
                    $row.VMHost = $esx
                    $row.HDFileName = $dev.Backing.FileName
                    $row.HDMode = $dev.Backing.CompatibilityMode
                    $row.HDSize = $dev.CapacityInKB
                    $lun = ($luns[$esx] | where {$_.ExtensionData.Uuid -eq $dev.Backing.LunUuid})
                    $row.CanonicalName = $lun.CanonicalName
                    $row.RuntimeName = $lun.RuntimeName
                    $report += $row
     if ($ctl -eq $null) { " None found." }

"Exporting report data to $outputFile ..."
$report | Export-CSV -Path $outputFile
"All done."



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