Asterisk SIP Troubleshooting command line

Asterisk SIP Troubleshooting command line .VOIP communication common protocol is SIP .

SIP Troubleshooting is very important in VOIP. Below are some basic command used in SIP Troubleshooting.

sngrip      Capture and Analyse SIP Packets on the Command Line

yum install sngrep
apt-get install sngrep

For more details visit :-

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Loop detected in monitoring script. Issue with Asterisk? Restarting

Loop detected in monitoring script. Issue with Asterisk? Restarting! error are coming again and again on my fresh installed freepbx.

I was getting above message again and again . see on picture below

Loop detected







I was looking on the google I found the solution and I tried

the below command  from the freepbx community

fwconsole ma downloadinstall

Asterisk Restarting

Now firewall service will start and  Loop detected in monitoring script error will be stopped.