How to configure UCCX Simple Auto Attendant

How to configure UCCX Simple Auto Attendant

I  am going to configure UCCX and CUCM for simple Auto Attendant using inbuilt script (aa.aef) in Cisco UCCX. I am not making any restriction so I am not using CSS and Partition to make it very simple .

we need to go through following steps .

  • Creating UCCX Call Control Group (CTI Ports in CUCM)
  • Adding  UCCX Script Application
  • Adding UCCX Trigger (CTI Route Point in CUCM)
  • Make a Test Call to Auto Attendant

Before going above steps  UCCX basic configuration  should be done as AXL, JTAPI and RMCM integration. As it is the POST  UCCX configuration after installation  .

Continue reading How to configure UCCX Simple Auto Attendant

How to configure MGCP on Cisco Router and CUCM

How to configure MGCP on Cisco Router and CUCM

To configure MGCP  on Cisco Router and CUCM below are the steps

1- Configure  E1 or T1 Port to work with MGCP

2- Configure Router for MGCP to register on CUCM

3-Configure CUCM


For step 1

Follow the link

Step -2

mgcp call-agent service-type mgcp
mgcp bind control source-interface FastEthernet0/0.110
mgcp bind media source-interface FastEthernet0/0.110
mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band

Continue reading How to configure MGCP on Cisco Router and CUCM

How to configure Cisco Router T1 for MGCP

How to configure Cisco Router T1  for MGCP

Below steps checked on  Cisco 2811 and 2911 Routers

1- Check the  VVIC  location

R1#sh inventory
NAME: “2811 chassis”, DESCR: “2811 chassis”
PID: CISCO2811 , VID: V05 , 

NAME: “VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 – 1-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk – T1/E1 on Slot 0 SubSlot 0“, DESCR: “VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 – 1-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk – T1/E1”


Show inventory command shows you the location installed VVIC card in our case it is installed on Cisco Router Slot 0.

Continue reading How to configure Cisco Router T1 for MGCP

Call is connecting but phone is not ringing CCIE Voice LAB setup

Call is connecting but phone is not ringing CCIE Voice LAB setup

I was trying to build the CCIE Voice lab for practice and learn Cisco Voice .I configured T1 connection from HQ site to PSTN T1 with tree channels .HQ site I had to configure HQ site MGCP with using three channels .I configured the MGCP on T1 line and it was registered in CUCM. I  configured T1 line channels manually because i wanted to use 3 channels . as soon as i was applying the registering on cucm it was making it 24 channels . but T1 channels was up and multiple frame was established .when i was calling from HQ site to PSTN phone On the phone call was showing connected but PSTN phone was not ringing. I did the mistake on my PSTN router I did not configured following parameter. so it was not ringing my phone .

dial-peer voice 1 pots
incoming called-number .

Below was the my configuration on HQ site and PSTN site .

Continue reading Call is connecting but phone is not ringing CCIE Voice LAB setup

How to test call from Cisco IOS command

How to test call from Cisco IOS command

If you want to test call from CISCO Router IOS command line to check your DN or dial-peer is working .

just enter the command and its a hidden command .

Router#csim start  “number you want to call

For Example if you want to test a destination number  9839422 enter the command as below.

Router#csim start 9839422



Cisco CME SIP extension as X-lite Phone

Cisco CME SIP extension as X-lite Phone

1- Allows SIP phones to call other SIP phones and H323 calls

voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
allow-connections sip to H323
allow-connections H323 to sip
allow-connections H323 to H323

2- Enable IOS SIP Registrar

registrar server expires max 1200 min 300

3- configure the voice register configuration The “voice register global” configuration is similar to the telephony-service configurations used for SCCP phones.

Continue reading Cisco CME SIP extension as X-lite Phone

Cisco CME and ephone Button Command attribues

Cisco CME and ephone Button Command attributes

:           Normal Ring
b         Call waiting Beep No ring
f          Feature Ring
m         Monitor mode
o          Overlay Line no call waiting
c          Overlay Line with call waiting
x          Overlay expansion /Roll over
s          Silent Ring
w         Watch mode

Button Number  (Attribute ) Directory Number

For Example if we have to configure one line when call comes there are silent ring on button no 2  and ephone-dn 10

#button  2 s 10


How to configure cisco router as NTP server

How to configure Cisco router as NTP server

1- you have to obtain public NTP server addresses from
2-  configure you router with NTP server IP

GK_RTR#configure terminal
GK_RTR(config)#ntp server
GK_RTR(config)#ntp source lo
GK_RTR(config)# ntp master
GK_RTR(config)#clock timezone ARIZONA -7

3- Verifying NTP Configurations

GK_RTR#show ntp associations
GK_RTR#show clock

4- After you configure the Cisco router to synchronize with an NTP server, you can configure it to provide date and time information to a CUCM server and other devices,


Note :- If you want to allow your Router act as NTP server and specify specific interface to provide NTP services then you have to give command “ntp source ”  before “ntp master” otherwise it will give NTP services from .

Cisco Router as DHCP Server

Cisco Router as DHCP Server

Using a Cisco router as a DHCP server is a somewhat common practice in smaller networks.In this example we have two VLANs one for Voice and one for DATA.

DATA VLAN  IP  Nework Range  Gateway IP  DNS Server
Voice VLAN  IP  Nework Range  Gateway IP  DNS Server
TFTP Server for Cisco Phones

GK_RTR#configure terminal
GK_RTR(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
GK_RTR(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
GK_RTR(config)#ip dhcp pool DATA_SCOPE
GK_RTR(config)#ip dhcp pool VOICE_SCOPE
GK_RTR(dhcp-config)#option 150 ip

If you are using Windows server or some other centralized device for DHCP services. Even Cisco Unified Communications Manager includes DHCP server capabilities. you need to configure ip helper-address <central DHCP server IP address> to your VLAN interface to forward DHCP requests to the central DHCP server for the voice and Data VLANs.