Cacti Table ‘host’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired

Cacti Table ‘host’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired

My Cacti server lost all host information and on monitor tab its showing error  “Table ‘host’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired”

I tried google got below solution that worked for me .I got my all devices back to monitor.

go to cli directory    /var/www/html/cli/

and run command  “php repair_database.php”

[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/www/html/cli/

[root@localhost cli]# php repair_database.php
Repairing All Cacti Database Tables
Repairing Table -> ‘cdef’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘cdef_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘colors’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_input’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_input_data’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_input_fields’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_local’ Successful

Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_daily’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_hourly’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_hourly_cache’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_hourly_last’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_monthly’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_weekly’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_source_stats_yearly’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_template’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_template_data’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_template_data_rra’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘data_template_rrd’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_local’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_template_input’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_template_input_defs’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_templates’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_templates_gprint’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_templates_graph’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_templates_item’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_tree’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘graph_tree_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host_graph’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host_snmp_cache’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host_snmp_query’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host_template’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host_template_graph’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘host_template_snmp_query’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_aggregated_ports’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_approved_macs’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_device_types’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_devices’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_interface_graphs’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_interfaces’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_ip_ranges’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_ips’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_macauth’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_macwatch’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_oui_database’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_ports’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_processes’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_scan_dates’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_scanning_functions’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_sites’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_snmp’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_snmp_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_temp_ports’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘mac_track_vlans’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_color_template_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_color_templates’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_graph_templates’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_graph_templates_item’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_graphs’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_graphs_graph_item’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_aggregate_graphs_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_autom8_graph_rule_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_autom8_graph_rules’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_autom8_match_rule_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_autom8_tree_rule_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_autom8_tree_rules’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_config’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_db_changes’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_discover_hosts’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_discover_template’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_flowview_devices’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_flowview_dnscache’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_flowview_ports’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_flowview_queries’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_flowview_schedules’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrDevices’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrProcessor’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrSWInstalled’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrSWRun’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrSWRun_ignore’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrSWRun_last_seen’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrStorage’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrSystem’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_hrSystemTypes’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_processes’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hmib_types’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_hooks’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_maint_hosts’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_maint_schedules’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_nectar’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_nectar_items’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_notification_lists’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_realms’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_thold_contacts’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_thold_host_failed’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_thold_log’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_thold_template_contact’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘plugin_thold_threshold_contact’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_command’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_item’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_output’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_output_boost’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_output_boost_processes’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_output_rt’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_reindex’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘poller_time’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘rra’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘rra_cf’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘settings’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘settings_graphs’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘settings_tree’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘snmp_query’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘snmp_query_graph’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘snmp_query_graph_rrd’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘snmp_query_graph_rrd_sv’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘snmp_query_graph_sv’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘thold_data’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘thold_template’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘user_auth’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘user_auth_perms’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘user_auth_realm’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘user_log’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘version’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘weathermap_auth’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘weathermap_data’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘weathermap_groups’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘weathermap_maps’ Successful
Repairing Table -> ‘weathermap_settings’ Successful

NOTE: Checking for Invalid Cacti Templates
NOTE: No Invalid Cacti Template Records found in your Database

[root@localhost cli]#


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